One day, the relatives on my mother's side got in touch and suggested that I take out dairy and gluten from my diet since Lactose Intolerance and Celiacs Disease ran in the family. I was tested for Celiacs, but apparently, the tests aren't very reliable. So, I cut dairy and gluten from my diet, and for a month or two, the pain and diarrhea decreased but only by 40%. After that, the pain came back like nothing happened. I missed over 50 days of high school, and during my first two years of college I missed even more classes. My grades suffered greatly, and none of my teachers would give me a break. They all thought it was an excuse to ditch class. In addition, I was over weight, and I have been for most of my life. During my freshman year of college, I gained 30 more pounds. I was 176lbs and very unhappy. My third year of college is when I started dieting. I had cut out gluten, dairy, salt, fried and greasy foods, junk food, soda, and any drink that wasn't water or tea. My calories were limited to only 1200 kcal. I also exercised four times a week. It worked for a few month where I lost 25lbs, but eventually I hit a plateau and couldn't lose anymore weight. I still wasn't happy. I was hungry all the time, and my stomach pain was still there.
I eventually got sick of it and started looking for other ways to lose weight. One day, I stumbled upon one of Doctor Oz's videos about Green Coffee Bean extract pills where you could eat as much as you want and still lose weight, so I tried it out. It was one of the worst decisions that I have ever made. A week on the pills I began having chest pains and the shakes real bad. Then, one mourning, I couldn't breathe and was rushed to the hospital. It was apparent that the pills caused this, so I stopped taking them, and almost a year I still get the shakes when I try to sleep. It was the most horrifying experience that I have ever been through. I learned my lesson. There is no magic weight-loss pill. Don't do it. It will mess you up. Also, Dr. Oz is a liar who is just looking for ways to get money.
Just recently, while searching for a good weight-loss diet on YouTube, I stumbled upon Freelee The Banana Girl's channel. In her videos she explains how you can get a slim and healthy body from a high carb low fat raw vegan diet. Of course I thought it was crazy at first because in her diet, there is no consumption of any animal products. Eggs and chicken was something I ate pretty much every day, and I thought there was no way that I could live without it. But, the one thing that really made me change my ways was her IBS (irritable bowl syndrome) video. After watching it, everything clicked. Now, everything started to make sense. Animal products were never meant to be consumed by humans that's why people face so many problems such as diabetes, cancer, IBS, etc. It finally made sense, and I felt like I found the way. I can finally eat as much as I want without any pain.
Immediately, I jumped into this lifestyle. The first day I felt a little sick, but that is because I had eaten four eggs for breakfast, a tuna wrap for lunch, and a half a chicken with hot sauce for dinner the previous day. Freelee had explained in one of her videos that this was a common side affect that could last a week or so. Since I had IBS, my body was able to clean itself out and prepare for the next day, so I felt better on the second day. Every day after that I continued with the diet without any slip-ups. I started this diet/new lifestyle on July 12, 2014,and it is now August 8. It has been four weeks now, and I have noticed many things positive and negative:
1.) I haven't had any stomach pain or diarrhea since the first day,
2.) I have a ton of energy, where I actually feel like exercising,
3.) I am not hungry,
4.) My mood has improved,
5.) I am losing weight,
6.) My hair is growing wicked fast,
7.) My seasonal allergies have diminished,
8.) I have to pee every 10-20 minutes during the day,
9.) My face broke out pretty bad during the first week
In this lifestyle, exercise is very important, and I exercise 3-4 times a week, usually Monday-Wednesday and Saturday since those are the only days that I am not working as a cashier standing for 4-5 hours. Since I still live at home, my dad buys all the food. At first, he thought I was crazy for wanting all of this fruit, but when I ate it all he stopped complaining (about money anyway). And, in the grocery store, people make rude comments. Their comments can't deter me though because I finally found a way to be healthy and feel great.
The majority of my family does not agree with what I am doing. They keep insisting that I don't get enough protein, which is bull because believe it or not fruit has protein. Plus, I eat a lot of home cooked pinto beans. I have explained this to them many times, but they refuse to listen. Another thing they keep annoying me with is the amount of bananas I eat because of potassium levels. I eat no more than 10 bananas a day, and in order to overdose on potassium I would have to consume 400 bananas in 30 seconds. For me, that would be impossible.
Meanwhile, on one side of my family (who are diabetic and overweight), thinks that they are perfect and what I am doing is unnatural. They also think I am going against God and will go to hell. I just laugh when I hear that because I know God's creatures are sacred and aren't meant to be slaughtered for personal gain. They are ridiculous people indeed. These people find any reason they can so they can judge you. I am kind of glad that I don't follow "their version" of the catholic religion. I live by my own philosophy, mostly influenced by Buddhism.
All I can say is if you found this lifestyle like me and so many other people, don't listen to all of the haters. It may be difficult at times, but just remember, you are doing this for you to live healthier lives.
More About The Lifestyle I Follow
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My banana smoothie. Contains 10 bananas, 3 cups of water, 2.5 tbsp. of vanilla drops, and 1 teaspoon of grounded cinnamon. |
* I am specifically following the "Raw Till 4" vegan diet, where you eat completely raw until 4pm. For me, I eat fruit all day until 4pm, where I eat cooked whole foods such as potatoes, rice, and beans.
-> I never eat more cooked foods than raw foods.
-> Once I eat the cooked meals, I don't have any fruit afterwards because it doesn't combined well in your stomach.
* Sodium and oil are kept low. I don't exceed 800mg of sodium per day. I usually keep in around 500-600mg.
* I chug water throughout the day. I drink 2-4 cups of water before and after all meals. More water is consumed during cooked meals.
* I exercise between 15-30 minutes three days a week.
* For breakfast, I either have some type of melon or a 6-10 banana smoothie.
* Lunch consists of either salad, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, or apples.
* Dinner consists of either rice, potatoes, or pinto beans.
* I try to leave in a day or two of completely raw meals to keep the bowels clean.
My Typical Grocery List
* 1 box of mangoes (15-20)
* 50-70 Bananas (depending on how ripe they are and if the mangoes are good)
* 1 pound of strawberries
* 2 pounds of blueberries
* 1 watermelon
* 1-2 cantaloupes
* 1 pound of kiwis
* 1 pound of dates
* 1 bag of pinto beans
* 8-10 yams
* 6 large bell sweat peppers
* 1 bag of spinach
* 1 bag of gluten free tortilla wraps
* 2 cans of low sodium pizza sauce
* 1 box of brown rice
* 1 bottle of vanilla drops/extract
(Things will change since different fruits grow during certain seasons)
Thank you Freelee for showing me this lifestyle. I really owe you my life. Keep posting your amazing videos and educating the public!!!! Also, please subscribe to her YouTube channel.
Great videos to watch: